Hacks to help you stick with and slay your goals for the new year — with minimal effort.
Goals and resolutions are on everyone’s mind at this time of year. But statistically speaking, you’re probably going to break them by February. In fact, according to research, approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. That’s because most set goals that are either too vague or too broad, then inevitably fall off the wagon and end up right where they started.
Having dreams and ambitions is one thing, but you also need to create a smart strategy to make significant headway on the journey to turning those dreams into realities. We’re starting the new year off by helping you come up with a game plan for everything that you want to accomplish this year. Instead of making impossible New Year’s resolutions and goals that are not so doable, here are a few realistic habits that will make living your best life more freeing.
Anyone who is successful will tell you that goal-setting is an integral part of their daily routine. By taking time to reflect and write out your goals, you can learn from your lows and push yourself to even greater heights. If you don’t have SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, or attainable, realistic, and timely) with a why attached, how are you supposed to reach them? Small and defined action steps set you up for success, so each day, write down four achievable goals, that you will make your priority.
While we may have logical reasons to avoid exercise, we do need to incorporate more movement into our lives to have a positive effect on our stress, weight, mood, and overall health. Instead of going for the plunge and making big dramatic changes, make little tweaks (like taking the stairs instead of the elevator) that will become daily habits.
Since it can be a challenge to start saving, get your financial goals in order by first creating a spending plan. Do like me and use mint.com to track your personal spending expenditures to see where your money is going. Spending $3 per day at Starbucks, Dunkin’s Donuts, or your local cafe easily adds up to over $1,000 per year. Secondly, create multiple streams of income by starting a side hustle or getting a part-time job.
If you’re like me, regular water can sometimes be too plain. However, the benefits of drinking H20 (less headaches, feeling fuller, better skin, etc.), is too great not to get your H2O. Enhance your water drinking experience by incorporating some yummy fresh fruits like lemon, peach, or cucumber. Which means this really cool fruit infuser water bottle is a great partner for your healthy new habit.
If you’re one of those people who spend your every moment bracing for the messes of life, or holding onto a grudge, it’s time to let it go and move on. Holding on to things keep you stuck, sabotaging your efforts for forward movement. As difficult as I know it can be, make the decision to let go. Try it once, and you’ll be breathing a sigh of relief.