Loss consistently takes us by surprise, because we are usually not prepared to lose. But nothing makes us more present in life than death.
The pain of losing your loved ones can feel so overwhelming, especially when it seems that your life and reality have changed. However, as harsh as this may sound, you don’t want to find yourself in a place where you are worshiping your loss. Like Sarah Jakes Roberts so eloquently puts it, “there is opportunity after loss.” In other words, refuse to let the ebbs of life make you quit. Instead, identify how your trauma can serve you because as long as you are focusing on the pain, it makes it difficult to see your wins.
In this episode of The Open Conversations Podcast our guest Keisha Blair takes us through how she processed the loss of her husband only eight weeks after giving birth to their third child. Listen as we discuss grieving your loss and then finding the value in it to move forward with a desire to make an impact by speaking life to others.
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I’m sure we can all relate to that, sometimes in life, we face giants we don’t think we can’t beat. But know that you can handle the challenge. The experience of losing someone or something we value is a part of the great scheme of life — no one can escape it. All you can do is wake up each day, but one step before the other, push through, live life to the fullest with no regrets, and not be afraid to take risks while paying it forward.
Though there are no quick fixes when it comes to finding purpose, prosperity, and happiness after loss. Here are three steps to take to help move through the process.
1. Acknowledge and accept your feelings: Allowing yourself to grieve your loss is the first step to moving forward. Don’t try to avoid or stifle your feelings. Know that emotions that accompany grief are all valid and absolutely OK. When we try to repress or avoid our feelings, they can come on much stronger in the future, when something triggers them.
2. Fill the void within: When you lose someone important to you, there is usually an empty void. However, connecting to what gives you a sense of meaning to help co-exist with your grief can be a source of strength to step out into life each day, despite the pain you might be experiencing.
3. Let your loss beget meaning: There is opportunity after loss. Whether it’s for you or for others, every loss can add value. Though it may seem impossible to imagine life without your loved ones, you can grow out of it. And with a bit of awareness, you can find powerful ways in which you can continue to honor your loved ones.