Finding harmony in your life will help you create greater impact and operate at the highest expression of yourself.
As a parent, an entrepreneur, and a sales manager, I understand that doing more doesn’t necessarily mean accomplishing more. Therefore, the goal is not to be busy but to be balanced. I know, there are so many demands on you. But if you are going to walk in the fullness of your authority, you need to find your center and be in alignment with your purpose.
While I believe ‘work-life balance’ is subjective to everyone, making it an elusive term. I do believe there is a way to create harmony between your personal life and your career. And whatever that happy medium may be for you, it is important to put yourself at the top of your to-do list. Why? Because you can’t always be on, batteries have to be recharged.
Balance is a state of rest that requires awareness. When you lose balance, you lose awareness and when you lose awareness you also lose presence that keeps you from being at your best. For you to be your best self and have the greatest impact, you need to find your center and be in alignment with your purpose. That’s why I’m sharing a few tips that will hopefully help you create harmony between your personal life and career — whatever that looks like for you.
Create to-do lists.
I rely on my planner and my to-do lists to keep me on task and from being a slave to all the demands on me. My to-do list helps me to prioritize and evaluate how I allocate my energy and effort in order to keep my balance. And how good it feels when I cross something off. But nothing beats that feeling of accomplishment when you put yourself at the top of your list.
NO is a complete sentence.
I’ve had to learn the hard way that not every invitation in life, I can accept. Until you audit your priorities, you don’t realize how many things you find value in that aren’t healthy. Though we use it too infrequently, know that it is okay to say ‘NO’ without guilt. When you stop doing things that don’t add real value, you will create boundaries that allow more time to focus on things help you create greater impact.
Schedule downtime into your calendar.
Studies show that the demand on today’s ‘always-on’ work culture can wreak havoc on your mental (physical and emotional) health. You never want to sacrifice yourself to the mercy of your work activities. Don’t get me wrong. While you do want to honor your commitments, you also want to honor your balance. Setting aside downtime to disconnect and decompress is critical to help you recharge and avoid burnout. So I no-longer feel guilty saying no, ignoring my phone to be with my daughter, ordering takeout food, and Netflix binging on the couch.
Learn to delegate.
As a mom and business owner, I understand how hard it can be to give up control. But what I’ve learned is that much of my stress came from perfectionism and my false sense of being irreplaceable. In order for you to create balance and be effective, especially with the many demands on your time, you’ll need to leverage the tool of delegation to maximize performance. No one can do all things all the time. Therefore, handing off tasks allows you time to be more fruitful, without guilt. Delegation is also a way to demonstrate trust and frees you up to focus on higher-value activities.
Protect your light.
Part of creating balance or harmony in life is to protect your light. What do you mean Nicole? I’m glad you asked. You want to keep your spiritual energy safe, that is grounded and protected. Some people can definitely mess with your mood and health, and as a result steal your perspective, passion, and purpose. It is essential to protect your light and guard your spirit so you don’t find yourself fighting the wrong battles. When you are mindful of how you allocate your energy and effort, you will become more resilient and also have more energy to accomplish more.
While some things in life are easier said than done. Understand that you DO have the power to affect your life in the way you see fit. And remember the only validation you need is your own.