If you’re looking to really level up in life, you’ll need to take a closer look at your inner circle of friends.
If there’s one thing that playing sports taught me, it’s that there is power in having the right people around you. Yes, there is power in having friends in your life that hold space for you to be both vulnerable and great.
There is ‘currency’ in friendships. Don’t believe me? Research shows that the quality and quantity of your social relationships are closely linked to not only your mental health but also to your lifespan. Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die prematurely? However, a bunch of so-so friends won’t do the job. You’ve probably also heard that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So, who are the top influences in your life? Are they negative, chronic complainers, and naysayers? Or, do they support, encourage, and motivate you to be the best version of yourself?
The 5 Must-Have Friend Types
If you want to level up in your career and life, you need to take a careful look at your inner circle. Today is your opportunity to take an inventory of the people in your life. Are your five closest friends an asset or a liability? If they are the latter, it may be time to purge your circle of friends. Your inner circle needs to be a diverse, well-rounded group of people who push each other beyond their comfort zones. They also cover your weaknesses, champion your strengths, and encourage you to operate in your gifts without fear. With that said, here are five friends every person needs to have in their corner, to make the ups and downs of life more bearable, joyful and fulfilling.

The Confidant
Everyone needs a safe, non-judgmental place for you to be imperfect. Enters the Confidant. This is the consistent, dependable friend, who knows where all the bodies are buried and who supports you no matter what. They have seen all sides of you — the dark and the ugly, but still love you all the same.
The Truth Teller
While there may be a time and place for a few white lies, there are certain situations in life where you need to hear the harsh truth. Enters the Truth Teller. This is the unfiltered and brutally honest friend who tells you like it is. The Truth Teller doesn’t sugar coat anything, will correct you, call you out, and hold you accountable.
The Connector
Sometimes you need a person in your life who is gifted at connecting the dots and creating alignment. Enters the Connector. This is the friend that knows everyone and places a high value on relationships. The Connector will open doors for you because they believe in you.
The Adventurer
Often you get stuck in day-to-day life, and so you forget to live. But we all need a bit of adventure every now and then. Enters the Adventurer. This is a fun-loving, adventure-seeking friend whose core value is freedom. The Adventurer is the mover who craves variety, is spontaneous, will introduce you to new things, and pull you outside of your shell.
The Thinker
Most times in life you need to think before you leap. Enters the Thinker. This is the smart, logical, and objective friend whose core value is competency. This friend is self-sufficient and the one who helps you make calculated decisions. The Thinker will help you explore your options and suggest new ways of looking at and doing things.
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