This is a public service announcement (PSA), reminding you to stay connected to the people you love, letting them know you are a safe, no-judgement outlet for them.
As a fashion enthusiast and in my work as a woman entrepreneur in media, Kate Spade has always been one of those brands that I admire, love, and adore. To me, the brand has all the hallmarks of playful sophistication and class, yet still functional. Like many, I have Kate Spade jewelry, stationery, and bags. And anyone who would gift me Kate Spade would be my friend for life. So much so, that news of her passing was a shock.
The news was a difficult one, but as I recover from the shock, there came news of the Emmy-award winning host–Anthony Bourdain. I started thinking about the people without the notoriety and found the need to write this. Partly as therapy, but mostly to encourage you.
Depression is real. Mental illness is real. Life is real. No matter how successful you are, depression and mental health do not discriminate. Depression and mental health illnesses have no demographic boundaries.
We all face challenges from time to time. And from time to time it is easy to forget that people around you may be going through or dealing with challenges or real pain. According to the CDC, suicide rates have increased in almost every state since 1999, making suicide one of the top causes of death in the US — behind heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. In fact, there are twice as many suicides as homicides. In 2016 alone, nearly 45,000 people died by suicide.
As a communications consultant, I can say the evolution of technology and new media has brought us together. However, I must also admit that it has also caused a divide. So now more than ever, there is a need to stay connected to the people that we love and care about.
The Center for Disease Control also noted that suicide rates have spiked by more than 30%, and the majority of those who died by suicide didn’t have a diagnosed mental health condition. However, many suffered from the likes of financial, physical health, or relationship problems, as well as substance abuse issues, which their family and friends are usually not aware of.